Part 52. Memory of jealousy

 It is very difficult to express in words the feeling of separation at the moment when the bus took me further and further away from my love. It was like thousands of red-hot daggers thrust into my heart, which was emitting pain, leaving a continuous plume from the hotel along the road along which the bus driver picked up speed, thereby invisibly contributing to the separation of the two lovers.

 My soul was screaming and demanding  that I immediately I stopped the bus and ran back, lifted my baby in my arms and never let go, gave her so much love that at every birth she was only mine.

 But the steel voice of my stern father, echoing in my head, returned me to reality, forcing me to sit motionless in my place. My mind frantically tried to put everything in its place, comforting me with hot memories, so pleasantly burning every cell of my body. 

At that very moment, I remembered our first quarrel, which I had not mentioned in any of their chapters. It happened on one of the hot days of our stay at the hotel when the sun was at its peak, and we were going to the beach to swim in the warm ocean and enjoy the gentle, refreshing breeze.

 Going down the stairs from our room, I uttered a joke aloud and began to laugh, to which my beloved replied: "This meeting is one big joke for you, isn't it?" ... Her words are like a bolt from the blue, they hit me in the gut, and I froze for a moment, stopping on the way. I sat down on the stairs and said: "I'm not going anywhere until you explain the meaning of your words!"

 My love became completely sad and dropped her eyes full of tears. Meanwhile, I took her hand and led her back to our room. We both sat down on the bed, and I concentratedly awaited an explanation from her.

 After a moment, her eyes moistened, and she desperately tried to remember all those moments when I, without a second thought, made fun of Russian tourists girls who flaunted along the roads shamelessly exposed forbidden parts of the body. 

Yes! She was jealous of me! And this was the very first sign of her serious intentions in our relationship. Overflowing with emotions, sobbing, she ran out of the room into the courtyard of the hotel and spent several minutes alone, trying to put her feelings in order. 

After her return, our passion exploded like a volcano, and we loved each other like madmen. The memory pressed even harder on my chest, and tears poured from my eyes in unison with the rain.

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