Part 49. Our last lunch together at our favorite restaurant


This last night in Goa was the darkest and most painful, full of love and suffering, tears and hot kisses. Our embrace, soaked in the pangs of parting and the unbearable feeling of impending loneliness, reluctantly parted at dawn. 

Was it a night at all? Or something from the realm of fantasy, where you fall through invisible obstacles and fall, fall somewhere deep, clinging to barely perceptible shadows, hoping to remain in zero gravity, return to where this path began, but everything gets confused and mixed, and you are no longer able to control irreversible processes.

 Dawn put everything in its place and we, exhausted, but still loving each other even stronger, went to the already beloved restaurant to have lunch and collect our thoughts. The journey was short, but I felt how tightly she squeezed me, as if in a vice, sitting behind on a scooter, and did not want to let go, as if someone was taking the most precious thing from her, and she pressed her whole body tightly against my back.

 Her breathing quickened and again silent tears gushed from her eyes, while the pain of separation firmly entered the hearts of both of us, lovers, perhaps this pain will remain in our hearts and memories for a long time. 

The best cure for this pain was our next meeting and the continuation of this insane love for each other, but when, how, and where it would take place, we both did not know. Sitting at a table in the very restaurant where we first dined together, we ordered our farewell lunch, snuggling close to each other. 

Her tears flowed from her eyes from time to time, but she hid them behind sunglasses and a dazzling smile, which she struggled to portray. And when our dinner was served on the table, I decided to console her and offered to write our novel about love in Goa, to which she finally laughed and promised to think about this proposal.

 For a moment, we forgot that in a couple of hours we would no longer be together, and talked about everything, as before, no matter what. Having finished with lunch, it was time to return to the hotel and collect my luggage.


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